Indeed Japan Appointment Scheduler

InDEED 日本アポイントメントスケジューラ

To schedule a free, confidential 30-minute session, please select a date and time from the calendar to the right. If there is a time that doesn’t fit with your schedule, or if there are no appointments available and you need more immediate assistance, please call 08002221990. If you wish to schedule a 60-minute appointment, please schedule two consecutive 30-minute appointments. *Please note: Counselors are able to speak to individuals living in JAPAN only. All times are in Japan Standard Time*

If counselor availability does not meet your needs, please call your local SupportLinc number to speak with a SupportLinc Care Advocate who can assist with a counselor referral for virtual or in-person counseling. View the counselor information below to choose one who can conduct sessions speaking Japanese or English.

For virtual counseling sessions, please meet your counselor online using the link next to their name below at the time of your scheduled appointment.  

*EAP is a confidential support service. We recommend using a personal email versus an Indeed email.

30分間の無料の機密セッションをスケジュールするには、右側のカレンダーからカウンセラーと日時を選択してください。スケジュールに合わない時間がある場合、または予約が取れず、すぐにサポートが必要な場合は、08002221990までお電話ください。*ご注意:カウンセラーは日本に住む方のみご相談ください。全ての時間は日本標準時* 60 分の予約をご希望の場合は、30 分間を続けて 2 回分ご予約ください。


*EAP は、サポート的なサービスであり、それ自体がお客様と本サービスとの直接の秘密保持契約となります。このような個人向けサービスにアクセスする際は、いずれも業務用のEメールではなく、個人のEメールのみを利用するようにしてください。

Toshi Kuramatsu, LCSW, CEAP

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (CA, USA), Certified Employee Assistance Professional (USA), Masters in Social Work (MSW) from University of Southern California

Toshi has over 25 years experience. Her specialty is working with individuals facing difficulties at work, family and personal life and recovery from trauma. Toshi worked with survivors of 1994 Earthquake in Los Angeles Area to heal from psychological trauma through FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency).  After moved to back to Japan, she worked with 500+ corporations in Japan as a clinical director of a large EAP company. She is a well-known speaker  / trainer of workplace behavioral health topics, including, stress management, communication, mindfulness, resilience and harassment prevention. Since May 2020, Toshi has been facilitating lunchtime mindfulness group every week.

Zoom Link:

倉松 淑 (くらまつ とし)




その後、ロサンゼルスの地域精神保健に携わり、精神科医、看護師、依存症専門家、キャリアカウンセラーのチームのリーダーを務める。帰国後は、大手EAP会社の臨床ディレクターとして、国内約500社へのカウンセリング業務に携わる。研修講師歴:メンタルヘルス、ハラスメント防止、レジリエンス、管理職研修など多数 2020年5月より、毎週1回、お昼休みにレジリエンス・マインドフルネス瞑想グループを開催中。


Kyoko Umeda (Japanese and English) holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.). She is a Licensed Psychologist and a Certified Clinical Psychologist. She also holds a CEAP-I (Employee Assistance Professional- International certificate). She has 15 years of experience in providing EAP counselling in corporations.

 Specialties Include: Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Stress Management, Family Stress

 Zoom Link:

楳田 京子はカウンセラー教育学の修士号を取得しており、CEAP-I、臨床心理士、公認心理師の資格を保有しています。20年の企業でのEAPカウンセリングの経験があります。


