Indeed Trauma Counselors Canada

Dedicated Virtual (video) Counseling: appointment scheduler for Indeed employees and their families

Indeed’s suite of benefits includes short-term free, virtual counseling for all eligible participants, as well as their spouses, partners and adult dependents up to the age of 26. Participants may schedule confidential, virtual sessions with a licensed clinician to address common concerns such as stress, anxiety, depression, preventing burnout, building resilience, relationship issues and alcohol or substance use concerns.

Meet your counselors

If you don’t see a counselor who meets your needs, please contact the program number at 1-888-881-5462.

Sandra Martey is an experienced client-centered therapist providing therapy using a holistic approach and a range of modalities. She has particular interest and specialized experience in working with individuals and families impacted by mental health concerns. Sandra believes that people are their own best experts and already have many of the skills, abilities and competencies that will assist them in addressing the challenges influencing their lives. 

Specialties Include: Trauma, Child and Family Concerns, Anxiety, Depression, Stress Management

To schedule an appointment with Sandra, click here.

Sandra Martey est une thérapeute expérimentée centrée sur le client qui offre une thérapie utilisant une approche holistique et une gamme de modalités. Elle a un intérêt particulier et une expérience spécialisée dans le travail avec des personnes et des familles touchées par des problèmes de santé mentale. Sandra pense que les gens sont leurs meilleurs experts et possèdent déjà de nombreuses aptitudes, aptitudes et compétences qui les aideront à relever les défis qui influent sur leur vie.

Les spécialités comprennent: les traumatismes, les préoccupations des enfants et de la famille, l'anxiété, la dépression, la gestion du stress

Our dedicated counselors are just one counseling option within the SupportLinc program. If the dedicated counselor options do not meet your needs (whether due to appointment availability, preference of counselor or other), please call the SupportLinc program number at 1-888-881-5462 to speak with a SupportLinc Care Advocate who can assist with a counselor referral for virtual or in-person counseling.