Indeed Trauma Counselors Ireland

Dedicated Virtual (video) Counseling: appointment scheduler for Indeed employees and their families

To schedule a free, confidential 30-minute session, please select a date and time from the calendar to the right. If you wish to schedule a 60-minute appointment, please schedule two consecutive 30-minute appointments. *Please note all times are in GMT*

If counselor availability does not meet your needs, please call your local SupportLinc number to speak with a SupportLinc Care Advocate who can assist with a counselor referral for virtual or in-person counseling. 

Please meet your counselor online using the link next to their name below at the time of your scheduled appointment:

·      Josephine Benson:

*EAP is a confidential support service. We recommend using a personal email versus an Indeed email.

Meet your counselor

Josephine Benson is a fully qualified Counsellor/Psychotherapist and a member of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. She holds a master degree in mental health from Trinity College Dublin, H Dip (Hons) degree in psychotherapeutic studies from University College Dublin, and a Diploma in Humanistic Counselling. She utilises the collaborative process and encourages clients to take an active role as they set goals and create the change they want to see in their lives.

Specialties Include: Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, Relationship Concerns, Grief, Life Transitions

Our dedicated counselors are just one counseling option within the SupportLinc program. If the dedicated counselor options do not meet your needs (whether due to appointment availability, preference of counselor or other), please call your local SupportLinc number to speak with a SupportLinc Care Advocate who can assist with a counselor referral for virtual or in-person counseling